Category: News

OpenMandriva Lx 2014.2 The Scion

Big Bug Squashing Day

Hi folks! Developers, bug hunters, interested users: this post is for all of you! OpenMandriva plans to launch a Bug Blaster Day, the big bug squashing day, to be held on our IRC channel #openmandriva-qa on Freenode IRC (date and time to be announced) We get together developers and users...

OpenMandriva Lx 2014.2 The Scion

OpenMandriva Lx 2014.2 The Scion released

The Scion is ready! Here is our tribute to our founder and the community he and others created. “The Scion” is a release dedicated to Mandrake, our ancestor, not lost but living on here: Download Options: SourceForge Torrents Gaël Duval recently stated: “I read a lot of sad comments on...

OpenMandriva Association

OpenMandriva Association New President is here!

OpenMandriva members have elected the Council (to be able to vote and influence things – apply for membership:), and yesterday council was agreeing on the bureau (president, treasurer, secretary). In full consensus it was agreed that new OpenMandriva President becomes Colin Close (aka Itchka). As a head of QA team...

OpenMandriva Council election results

OpenMandriva Council election results

The elections for the OpenMandriva Association Council are finished, counted the votes here are the results. To the nine persons that will integrate the OpenMandriva Council for the next two years: Klebedeff, Bero, RJadot, Rugyada, TPG, JCL, Itchka, Fedya and Avokhmin Welcome! source:

OpenMandriva Tribute to Mandrake

Tribute to Mandrake

Good news everyone, a new version of OpenMandriva is ready to see the world in a few days, 2014.2 will soon bemaking its way to you. Listen out for details, features – and torrents! OpenMandriva‘s history is well known. It was born at the tail of 2012 with the help...

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